[{ "trs_curpage": "首頁 > News GDPP", "doctitle": "【Bilingual】檢察機關切實保障國防利益", "crtime": "2023-08-11", "docsource": "陽光檢務網", "dochtmlcon": "




▌Procuratorial organs strengthen national defense<\/p>


▌Procuratorial organs have further enhanced the effectiveness of legal supervision and actively apply the rule of law to protect national defense interests, and the legitimate rights and interests of servicemen and their families, the Supreme People’s Procuratorate (SPP) said.<\/p>


▌In recent years, China has accelerated the process of formulating regulations and laws related to the military, and these laws have been promulgated successively, providing legal norms for the protection of servicemen’s rights and interests, as well as national defense and military construction.<\/p>


▌From January 2022 to June 2023, procuratorates nationwide prosecuted 351 military-related criminal cases, involving 498 people, according to SPP.<\/p>



▌The SPP issued nine guidance cases related to military and soldiers, covering the most common and frequent crime types, such as impersonating soldiers to commit fraud, destroying military facilities, buying and selling armed forces documents, special signs of armed forces, uniforms of armed forces, obtaining state secrets, destroying service people’s marriages, and infringing on the reputation and honor of heroes and martyrs.<\/p>


——文字摘自最高人民檢察院、中國日報英文網<\/p><\/div>", "appendix": "", "test": "中文內容" }]avav_幸福宝向日葵草莓丝瓜_屁屁影院入口_我和闺蜜在ktv被八人伦